Ethereum fundation
Sakundi (partnered with Edenia) is one of the 39 grantees selected worldwide for the recent Academic Grants Round of Ethereum Foundation.
This grants round invited researchers, think-tanks, Ph.D. students, and all those interested in advancing knowledge around the Ethereum ecosystem to submit academic proposals.
We are developing “Tikuna”, a proof-of-concept tool (open source so that every person can use it) derived from such research, and will provide a scientific report based on the findings of applying the tool to the mainnet network.
We will also provide a dashboard for the community to observe the insights that Tikuna provides. Additionally, we will create a draft of a scientific paper based on the research results.

Tikuna will help the Ethereum community to gain visibility on the status of the P2P network and be aware of potential attacks.
The overall goal of the project is to support the Ethereum community by providing them with an intelligent state of the art tool capable of collecting security-related information from the state of the P2P network and improve the network visibility by providing insights about its current state.
Such measurable information and insights criteria can help us to measure the success of our approach by the number of identified incidents and the number of discovered insights. Therefore, our tool will play a major role in improving the overall Ethereum network security.